Monday, August 5, 2013


Yesterday in sacrament meeting we had fast and testimony meeting. It is our last Fast Sunday in our ward because we are moving in two weeks. I felt inclined to share my testimony and to thank the ward for being so loving and welcoming to Garret and I. When I was up there though I was shocked at how much I struggled to find the words to say.

It has been a long while since I have last said my testimony out loud and it saddened me how much I had to really dig to find things to say. It made me realize that I really need to vocalize my beliefs more often so that I can not only share them but also remind myself of the things I have been taught. 

I was born into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I wasn't born with a testimony of it. My testimony has always been a work in progress and always will be. I have realized over the years that a testimony isn't something you can just hold onto. If you are not moving forward then you are moving back. You can't just stand still. 

Later that evening I was pondering about my testimony with my lovely husband and really analyzing myself. I thought of the time I felt the most constantly spiritual. I wish I could have said this current time, but it wouldn't be correct. The time I felt I was the closest to my Heavenly Father was when I was a senior in high school. I read my scriptures daily and I often spoke in prayer with my Heavenly Father. I attended seminary and went to church activities. I also attended the temple weekly to do baptisms for the dead. I was so in tune with the spirit and was happy.

I am not saying I am not happy now. I also haven't strayed. I am still a firm believer, but I feel I might have taken a step backwards these past few years instead of forwards. 

Garret and I had a long talk about our spirituality both individually as well as a couple. We have set some goals for ourselves now and I really want to set some new habits in my life to help me maintain that spirit I love. We discussed the importance of doing family scripture study as well as family prayer. These are things we both value and really want to have set in stone before our family grows. 

In addition to our testimonies Garret and I also talked about the importance of prayer. This is something I struggle with and I get frustrated with myself. I don't understand why I have such a hard time talking to my Heavenly Father. We talked about how people, us included, often only prayer when we are in times of need. When we lose something, when we are worried, when we are stressed. Why can't we remember to talk to our Heavenly Father in times of joy, and maybe on just a regular day when nothing in particular happens. 

I also thought about my prayers and how I often catch myself repeating the same things every time. It reminded me of something someone once told me, that you shouldn't recite things but rather have a conversation. It is so important to talk to our Heavenly Father, and to really feel like you are talking and conversing with him. He wants to hear about the good, the bad, the boring, the random. He wants to hear about it all. He wants us to ask him for help, and we need to thank him for all we have been blessed with. 

This is definitely one among many things that I need to work on. 

In conclusion I know my Heavenly Father lives. I know that he loves me. I know that he knows who I am personally. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I know that Thomas S Monson is the prophet today and is a mouthpiece for our Heavenly Father. Most of all I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book and is a testament of Jesus Christ. I know that it is a record of the prophets of old and that Joseph Smith translated it with the help of the Holy Ghost. I know that I will see Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father again someday and I hope I can be in the Celestial Kingdom with them. I know I will see my family again. Most important, I know I am sealed for time and all eternity to the love of my life, Garret Hegland. I know if I am righteous I will be able to be with him forever. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013


It has officially been way too long since I have been on here. I don't even have a good excuse like being on an exotic vacation for a month. I have just been sitting at home doing nothing exciting....

I have been really wanting to get my photography off the ground. So tonight I created a webpage with all the information. If you ever have any photography needs let me know!!!

My website is:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Being at Home

This summer has been the first time in a long time where I have some spare time. At first I wasn't sure what to do with myself but I quickly created a long list of to-do's. 

Yesterday was one of these days where I didn't have anywhere to do. Since all I am committed to currently is work and I am part time I have several days a week where I get to spend the day at home. I decided to make myself be productive and managed to keep myself busy.

I started my day by watching one of my favorite daytime television shows Rachael Ray. I find her to be hilarious and she always has entertaining guests. She also makes me want to do better in the kitchen and make delicious healthy meals. 

I then went to the grocery store because it is always important to have food in the house. To make my trip even better I found an old Smith's gift card from our wedding and used it to pay for ALL of our food. The only thing better than food is free food! 

When I got home I figured I should be a good wife and clean up the house. Garret is always a good help with cleaning but usually all the messes are my messes so I figured it was about time I picked up after myself.  I also did laundry and even washed the towels and sheets which doesn't happen probably as often as it should. Even though I don't clean much I do love the feeling when you are done and you sit down and look at your nice clean home and feel happy to be there. I should clean more often so that I can always have that feeling! 

I also got into my cooking mood. First I decided to make a delicious pasta salad to have for lunches for the week. The recipe I use is one that my mom always made growing up. I consider it a summer comfort food because it taste so good and is nice and cold on a hot summer day. I also decided to use a cake mix we had had since our wedding and made a yummy yellow cake with strawberry frosting. I am trying to eat healthier and this is definitely going in the wrong direction but cake is just SO SO SO yummy! I am also proud of myself because I made a circle cake with two layers. (That is pretty advanced for me, especially compared to all of my talented baking relatives) For dinner I decided to really go all out and I made homemade hamburger patties with some egg and seasonings. I also bought yummy breads from the bakery to use as buns that tasted amazing! For the side I made parmesan potato wedges that tasted so good. I have never made my own fries before so I was surprised at how easy it was to make them and at how good they tasted especially because they were baked and not fried. Overall my cooking went well for the day. Hopefully I can keep this going. 

I always love having nights at home with my hubby!  Garret is so busy with work, his internship, and school that I just love spending time with him where we can just sit and enjoy each others company. We watched TV for a little bit and then just sat on the couch talking and laughing. Even though I love having extravagant days with Garret I love days like this better because this is what every day is like. It is great to do crazy things but it is more important to love all the days in between. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Days!

Garret and I had a fun summer day this past Saturday. 

We started our morning at 5:45 when we woke up to get ready for a 5k we were doing. My sister Amanda slept over that night and on our way to downtown we picked up her boyfriends brother Dillon who was running with us. We did the Color Me Rad 5k downtown that was a fundraiser for the Utah Art's Council. Garret and I had started preparing for the 5k a couple months ago but for the past several weeks I hadn't run once so I was a little nervous about running a 5k when I haven't gotten out for such a long time. But it ended up being amazing. I was able to run the entire race and I got covered in colored chalk along the way. This was my fist 5k and it was such a great and fun experience.

After getting our exercise the four of us went out to breakfast to the amazing Kneaders! I love Kneaders, especially for breakfast. We all got the french toast which tasted amazing after the run. 

Garret and I went home to get all cleaned up after our color run. Once all clean we decided to head back downtown and we went to the Utah Art's Festival. It was so fun to see all the artists there and their artwork. We saw some very creative things as was as some very impressive art. We saw some fun yard art as well as things for the walls and kitchen. 

After walking around for several hours we decided to go get some food. We went to Chili's which is one of my favorite places. At Chili's they have some new flatbread appetizers. We shared a margarita flatbread which was AMAZING. It tasted amazing! I also had a steak with mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, and texas toast. It was such a wonderful meal and I really ejoyed it. 

After eating we were exhausted from being outside in the sun all day so we stopped at my moms to borrow some movies we hadn't seen yet. When we got home we got some popcorn popped and watched The Hobbit which I really enjoyed. I am really excited for the next movie. We also watched Casino Royale which we hadn't seen yet either. It was a great movie as well. Although the end of it I didn't really watch because I was half asleep from our long day.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Date Night

Garret and I had a lot of fun going on a date Friday night. We decided to go out and try some new things. We started out by trying an Asian restaurant just down the street from our house that we have been wanting to try. Instead of choosing something to eat, I asked out waiter what is favorite thing was and he said the Szechwan chicken. I told him I would try it. Even though I had no idea what it was. It ended up being DELICIOUS. 

We also looked up some parks that were in the area and found out there was a pond near downtown Famrington and decided to go walk around it. When we got there we were pleasantly surprised. The pond was gorgeous and had lots of fun things to explore. There was a walking path as well as some dirt trails. We also found a tree with a rope swing! (I know where we are going on those hot summer days) 

Overall our spontaneous date was a success and we found some new favorite spots! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


When we first moved in November we had no idea all the treasures our little neighborhood had. Now that it is warm outside Garret and I have been going on walks and finding some fun things. Less then a block away from our house there are three different trail heads. I have explored one already which goes all the way up the mountain side and into the canyon. Today we decided to venture down one of the other paths and found some gorgeous places! 

The trail had two streams one on each side and it literally goes straight through the middle of the neighborhood. You would have no idea though because the plants are so tall and thick you can see nothing but green and blue skies!

I am just so grateful for the beauties of the Earth. When I go hiking and see nature it makes me really think about this gorgeous place we all get to live and that it had to have been created by our loving Heavenly Father. It also makes me think about how one day I will get to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father. If I think the Earth is immaculate I can not even fathom what the Celestial Kingdom will look like and how it will feel to be in the presence of my Father and Savior. 

I can not wait for that day! But while I am waiting I am going to enjoy the beauties around me and my amazing wonderful eternal companion! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Body

So I have been dancing for 18 years. Thankfully I have never been seriously hurt aside from the common bruise and pulled muscle. I did fall while doing a back tuck at a concert once but kept dancing, even though I realized later on that I had a gash in my head. Overall though I would consider myself luck considering how many times I have fallen over. 

Now that I am no longer dancing though I think I am really starting to feel all those years worth of torture I have put my body through. my entire body feels like it is going to fall apart. My lower back is constantly hurting. Also my left knee gives out sometimes when I walk which causes a quick pain to shoot up my leg but after that it is fine. I also have a constant pain in my right elbow that get worse when I move it around a lot. Also my wrists are starting to hurt, especially my left one. 

Basically I feel like an old woman.... and my body is supposed to be in it's prime supposedly. This makes me a little worried....

I guess it is a good thing I married Garret who is going to school to be physical therapist. I am going to need some help after all my joint replacements when I hit 30!!!!

If anyone has any tips to help with any of my pains let me know!!!!!